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Freewine an Absolute Novelty

Freewine trademarkFind all news, info, videos about Freewine Group. See Freewine light presentation here in EWBC Brescia Press Kit

And discover the Freewine wines!


Need info? write to: marketing@freewine.eu

See you soon!


2011 EWBC Images

Freewine at EWBCOctober 15th Santa Giulia Museum in Brescia: Freewine at EWBC European Wine Blogger Conference

See here all event images

EWBC is an international event and this year near 250 people attended coming from 34 contries (expecially wine journalists and distributors)

Freewine presented wines at "Wines of Italy Walkaround Tasting" October 15th afternoon

Further information looking for#EWBC on Twitter

See you soon all new friends!


ORAC values in Freewine wines

ORAC values in fruits and vegetablesThe CNR Institute (Italian National Research Centre) in Pisa has studied the natural antioxidants products that give wines a strong power against radicals. It fixed for every Freewine wine the correct ORAC value. The medium level is 929 ORAC (the 4 reds) and 287 ORAC (the 7 whites + 1 rosé). ORAC is the oxygen radical absorbance capacity, i.e. the laboratory value that compares antioxidant level among different nutritional elements. Freewine wines - expecially the red ones - contain a great ORAC value giving an important healthy bonus for consumers.

Compare the Freewine wines Orac values with the most common antioxidant products: here above an image with fruits and vegetables.

The box shows the Orac values of each Freewine wine fixed by CNR in Pisa



European Wine Blogger Conference: Freewine comes too!!

EWBC logo Franciacorta Brescia 2011 October 14-16Freewine will attend the EWBC Conference in Brescia next October 14th to 16th at Santa Giulia Museum.

The European Wine Blogger Conference is the moment for wine blogger and wine lovers coming from different countries and interested in several seminars about online communication and Italian wineries novelties (see agenda).

You can meet Freewine project at Wines of Italy Walkaround Tasting on Saturday October 15 at 4 p.m. (EWBC Brescia)

EWBC aims to create a worldwide network with different purposes: spread information, widen wine culture, conceive quality industrial standard and share innovative ideas.

After editions in Spain, Portugal and Austria this year Italy was selected as location for the protagonists of today and future communication.

To attend you must register on EWBC Conference site (on demand).

For further details on EWBC see here.

Look for #EWBC on Twitter.com


What is Freewine?

Freewine® stays for sulfites free wines. Is a set of guidelines, to be put into effect according to a non-binding technical protocol. The aim of these guidelines is to reduce considerably the quantity of sulfites added to the wines produced by the companies taking part in the project: wines which therefore offer a pure expression of the combination between grape variety and area of origin!

Wines that have no ill-effects from a health point of view: that’s what more and more consumers around the world want from producers. They are asking for wines in which one can recognize the ingredients – the grapes – and whose consumption, as long as it is moderate and intelligent, doesn’t automatically assume unpleasant collateral effects: how many times, in fact, after tasting even “great” and famous wines, have we ended up with a splitting headache?

A headache is our body’s response to the presence of a toxic substance, sulfur dioxide (SO2, also known as "sulfites"). Its damaging effects depend both on the quantity ingested and on the metabolism of the individual drinker: that is why some people are more likely to suffer adverse effects than others. Whatever the cause, there is no doubt that sulfur dioxide doesn’t do us any good; for this reason, people nowadays – who are more self-aware and inclined to behave in a healthier way – are wary of it and want producers to limit its use, eliminating it altogether if possible.

Up until now, wine has always been totally dependent on the presence of sulfites: a small amount may be produced naturally by certain yeast strains that are to be found in the grape must, but more is added during various phases of the production process and immediately before bottling, so as to ensure that the wine will keep over a period of time. The quantity that one can use is laid down by law, and normally white wines (and sparkling wines) require a bit more than red wines.

For this reason, the labels on all bottles of wine now have to carry the words "Contains sulfites" if their concentration in that wine exceeds 10 milligrams per liter.

Sulfites also have the capacity to interfere with a wine’s taste characteristics. A lesser SO content therefore makes a wine purer and more genuine.

However, thanks to the latest discoveries in the field of enology and to certain innovative technological processes, it is now possible to obtain wines with a very low sulfite content: such are the wines of the companies that are part of the Freewine® project.

Essentially, Freewine is founded on two precepts: the use of specific technology and the adoption of an innovative vinification protocol, that is to say a code of enological "good practice" which is designed to amplify the positive results obtained by this new technology.

In all of this, great importance lies in controlling the amount of oxygen that happens to be present in the wine, both during all the phases of its production and, in particular, just prior to bottling.

That is what Freewine is all about. A number of producers both large and small – have shown faith in this project. As pioneers, they have invested in it and have now made their first “low-sulfite” wines.

Their final objective is eventually to arrive at a "zero added sulfite" content, to the great benefit of the healthiness and naturalness of their wines.

The project avails itself of scientific support from the Department of Biotechnologies of the University of Verona and from the Institute of Biology and Agricultural Biotechnologies of the National Centre for Research (CNR) in Pisa.

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